Ag. H O D
Department of Sociology is one of the few Departments that kick-started in the Nasarawa State University, Keffi. The Department took off with a total population of 74 students under the pioneer coordinator, Mr. Theophilus D. Lagi. Other pioneer members of staff are Mr. Mgbegah Dandoka Ayuba, Mallam Umar Shehu Usman and Miss Sadi Yiga. Upon his joining the Department, Dr. A. O. Adelakun became the first substantive Head and later handed over to Dr. Karimu Aliyu, who handed over to Prof. Mike O. Isokun, who handed over to Prof. Sam O. Smah. Other past Heads of the Department include Dr. Karimu Aliyu, Prof. John O. Ukawuilulu, Prof T.D. Lagi and Prof. F.O. Onu. The current Head of Department is Assoc. Prof. Udo C. Osisiogu.
- Ph.D. Sociology
- M.Phil./Ph.D. Sociology
- M.Sc. Sociology
- PGD Sociology
- B.Sc Sociology
- B.Sc Criminology and Security Studies
- B.Sc Demography and Social Statistics
- To instill in students sound knowledge of sociology, an appreciation of its applications in different socio-cultural contexts and to involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying the workings of society.
- To provide students with broad and well balanced knowledge of sociological theories and methods.
- To cultivate in students the ability to apply their sociological knowledge and skills to the understanding and solution of societal problems in Nigeria and elsewhere.
- To provide students with relevant knowledge and skills base from which they can proceed to further studies in special areas of sociology or multidisciplinary areas involving sociology.
- To instill in students an appreciation of the importance of sociology in socio-cultural, legal, economic, political, industrial and environment contexts.
- To develop in students a range of useful competencies in public private or self-employment.
The Department of Sociology accepts the challenges of the interconnectedness of the global system, and envisions a world, where new ways of behaviour based on new perceptions and concepts about humankind, theory and practice, and global interdependence and new methods of evaluating and assimilating knowledge are required.
Therefore, the Department, in offering courses to students seeking to obtain the Bachelor and Master of Science Degree in Sociology, expresses an overall intention which aims to educate social science graduates for maximum flexibility; and to enable graduates to acquire a level of sophistication in communication and critical thinking skills for use in interpreting social phenomena in an increasingly globalized world and to analyze, synthesize and evaluate sociological knowledge of the dynamic interplay of gender, ethnicity, age, urbanization, development, crime, labour and class in society and the world, and to acquire the requisite skills to analytically communicate such knowledge.
Additional, the Department requires that its graduates (1) develop an international sociological imagination; (2) rigorously conceptualize and passionately interpret the transformative powers of social history on the affairs of humankind; and (3) evolve new, articulated and sophisticated theoretical perspective as basis for hypothesizing about contemporary rural/urban living, national and international social problems, social change, gender, ethnic; class; age stratification; cultural differences; and the complexities of global interdependence. The Department’s curriculum consists of core and elective courses which are aimed at teaching skills of observing, computing, and writing that are required in order to interpret national and international public issues of structure, and/or to conduct independent social science research in areas that are of particular interest.
Departmental Board
The Departmental Board is made up of all lecturers in the Department except Graduate Assistant with the Head of Department as the Chairman. The Departmental Board organizes and controls the teaching of all courses in the Department and the examination held in those courses.
Name | Portfolio |
Head of Department (HOD) | Chairman |
All Academic Staff (Except Graduate Assistant) | Member |
Entry Requirements
- Five relevant credits in SSCE, SC, GCE O/L or TC II Merits or equivalent obtained at not more than two (2) sittings (TC Merits is equivalent to O/L Credits).
- Two A/L passes plus three O/L credits in other subjects, at not more than 2 sittings or three A/L passes plus two O/L credits in 2 other subjects at not more than 2 sittings; two merits, two passes at TC II plus two NCE Merit Passes, including a major subject and Education.
- National Social Administration, Crime Management, any related Diploma or NSUK Diploma with Merit or Lower Credit grade, including at least four O/L credits in SSCE/GCE or its equivalent.
- Transfer candidates into classified degree programmes should have a minimum of 1.50 and 2.40 for non-classified programmes.
- A credit in English Language at SSCE, GCE O/L or equivalent
- Merit in English Language in TC II examination
- A pass in the HSC, A/L General Paper, English Literature, or NCE General English
- Credit in IJMB English Language
- A credit in Mathematics is required for all science, social/Management Science-based courses, except where it is stated otherwise.
- Credit grade in IJMB basic Mathematics.
Five O/Level credits in Government or History, English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two Arts or Social Science subjects.
Three Social Science or Arts subjects.
Staff Profile
S/No | Name | Rank | Institutional E-mail |
1 | Lagi D. Theophilus | Professor | lagitheophilusd@@nsuk.edu.ng |
2 | Onu Francis O. | Professor | onufranciso@@nsuk.edu.ng |
3 | Bai-Tachia Margaret | Professor | ------ |
4 | John Obioma Ukawuilulu | Professor | ukawuilulujo@@nsuk.edu.ng |
5 | Samuel Sunday Ifah | Professor | ------ |
6 | Aliyu Karimu | Associate Professor | ------ |
7 | Suleiman Muhammed Bilyaminu | Associate Professor | suleimanb@@nsuk.edu.ng |
8 | Osisiogu Udo Chikezie | Associate Professor | osisioguuc@@nsuk.edu.ng |
9 | Ogidi Woyengiemi Ambrose | Senior Lecturer | Senior Lecturer |
10 | Yiga Sadi Timothy | Senior Lecturer | timothyyigas@@nsuk.edu.ng |
11 | Dr. Usman Yusuf Alhaji | Senior Lecturer | ------- |
12 | Yahaya Sarkin Noma | Lecturer I | ------ |
13 | Nnabueyi Uju Maureen | Lecturer I | nnabuenyium@@nsuk.edu.ng |
14 | Ishaya Daniel Leku | Lecturer I | ------ |
15 | Abdullahi Bashir Idris | Lecturer I | abdullahibidris@@nsuk.edu.ng |
16 | Zakari Abdulkadir | Assistant Lecturer | abdulkadirzakari@@nsuk.edu.ng |
17 | Mamman Matthew Samuel | Assistant Lecturer | matthewsamuel@@nsuk.edu.ng |
18 | Abdullahi Kasim Adams | Assistant Lecturer | ------ |
19 | Apake Faridah Ladi | Assistant Lecturer | ------ |
List of Research/Publications
S/No | Title | Contributors |
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Upcoming Workshop/Conferences