Ag. H O D
1. To engage in the promotion of manpower development through training, re-training and research with appropriate methodologies in the area of teacher education and any other professional field of Education.
2. To stimulate positive change in the Nigeria education institution through research by strengthening its capacity and capability in manpower production so that it could be competitive with what obtains elsewhere in the world.
3. To provide any person or persons with ideas, plans, strategy, advice, information and any assistance required using the global best practice to promote culture of quality in education with particular focus on higher education institutions.
- Ph.D. Economics Education
- M.Phil. Social Studies
- M.Ed. English Education
- B.Ed Economics Education
- B.Ed Geography Education
- B.Ed CRS Education
- B.Ed English Education
- B.Ed Social Studies Education
- B.Ed IRS Education
- B.Ed History Education
- B.Ed French Education
- B.Ed Arabic Education
- Library and Information Science
The Arts and Social Science Education (ASSE) department was carved out of the department of Educational Foundations in July 2010.
Serial number 1-7 were established in 2001/2002 session under the department of Educational Foundation while serial no 8 and 9 were established in 2009/2010 session and 2019/2020 session respectively.
The first set of graduates graduated in 2010.The department was led by Professor Muhammad T. Mua’zu from 2010 to February 2013, Professor Lubasa N’ti Nseendi from 2013 – February 2016 and Professor Orame P.S Alaku from February 2016 – February 2019 and currently Dr. Abdulkareem Yunusa from 2019-Date.
The department has gotten Full Accreditation in 2013 for all his programmes except Arabic Education which has just been given approval to commence in 2020/2021 academic session. And approval has also been given for Post-graduate programmes in English Education effective from 2019/2020 academic year.
The philosophy underlying ASSE is to produce graduates imbued with the ability of teaching and learning of the liberal arts and social science education programs at undergraduate and post graduate levels so as o produce competent and professional teachers who, having acquired the requisite skills, should be able to impart same to their students. This is to be achieved by equipping them with a broad foundation, specialized knowledge and pedagogical skills in the field of Arts and Social science education for teaching ,learning and continue Professional development
Below are the specific objectives of the Department’s degree program:
- To impart in the students dignity of the teaching profession among an array of professionals in the state and Nigeria at large.
- To enhance quality teacher education and produce adequate manpower for the school in the state and Nigeria at large.
- To provide educational courses and instructional facilities for the pursuit of learning in all program available.
- To encourage and conduct educational research in all fields of teaching and learning particularly Arts and social science education.
- To undertake any other activities appropriate for a Department of the Faculty of Education in the university of the highest standard.
- To provide students with the knowledge from which they can proceed for further studies in education related areas or in multidisciplinary areas that involve teaching and learning;
As a centre for producing world class professional teachers in liberal Arts and Social Science Education towards improving and increasing the manpower development needs for the state and the country.
The mission of the department is to produce graduates equipped with critical skills and abilities with optimistic mission and commitments for the advancement of the state and the country educationally.
Departmental Board
The Departmental Board is made up of all lecturers in the Department except Graduate Assistant with the Head of Department as the Chairman. The Departmental Board organizes and controls the teaching of all courses in the Department and the examination held in those courses.
Name | Portfolio |
Head of Department (HOD) | Chairman |
All Academic Staff (Except Graduate Assistant) | Member |
Entry Requirements
Economics Education: Five O/Level credits in English Language, Economics, Mathematics and any other two subjects.
Geography Education: Five O/Level credits in Geography, English Language, Mathematics and any other two subjects.
CRS Education: Five O/Level credits or TC II merit in five subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Religious Studies and any two other Arts subjects.
English Education: Five O/Level credits in English Language, Mathematics, Literature in English plus any other two Arts or Social Science subjects
Social Studies Education: Five O/Level credits in English Language, Mathematics, plus three Arts or Social Science subjects.
IRS Education: Five O/Level credits in English Language, Mathematics, Islamic Religious Studies or Arabic and any other three Arts subjects.
History Education: Five O/Level credits in English Language, Mathematics, History or Government and any other two Arts or Social Science subjects.
French Education: Five O/Level credits in English Language, French Mathematics and any other two subjects.
Library and Information Science: Five O/Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and three other Arts, Social Science or science subjects.
Economics Education: Economics, Mathematics and one other subject from Geography, History, Government and Literature in English.
Geography Education: Geography plus two other Social Sciences or Arts subjects.
CRS Education: CRS and any other two Arts Subjects.
English Education: Literature in English and one Arts and any other subjects.
Social Studies Education: Any three of CRS, Economics, Geography or Physics, Government, History and IRS
IRS Education: Islamic Studies or Arabic and two any other Social Sciences or Arts Subjects.
History Education: History and any other two subjects chosen from CRK, Islamic Studies, Literature in English, French, Yoruba, Geography, Economics, Government and Hausa.
French Education: French plus two other Arts subjects.
Library and Information Science: Any three Art subjects.
English Language
English Language
Staff Profile
S/No | Name | Rank | Institutional E-mail |
1 | Saurayi Patrick Orame | Professor | alakuspo@nsuk.edu.ng |
2 | Lubasa N.Nseendi | Professor | lubasantin@nsuk.edu.ng |
3 | Yunusa Abdulkareem | Senior Lecturer | yunusaabdulkareem@nsuk.edu.ng |
4 | Iliya Monday | Lecturer I | iliyamonday@nsuk.edu.ng |
5 | Yaro Joseph Bawa | Lecturer I | yarojosephbawa@nsuk.edu.ng |
6 | Gladys Uwaleke Chinelo | Lecturer I | gladysuwalekechinelo@nsuk.edu.ng |
7 | Aris Addra Emmanuel | Lecturer II | arisadaemmanuel@nsuk.edu.ng |
8 | Abubakar Usman | Lecturer II | abuusman@nsuk.edu.ng |
9 | Ahmad Rufai Tijjani | Lecturer II | ahmaufaitijjani@nsuk.edu.ng |
10 | Alaku Monica Emmanuel | Lecturer II | ------- |
11 | Moga Ezekiel | Assistant Lecturer | mogaezekiel@nsuk.edu.ng |
12 | John Abashi Abede | Assistant Lecturer | johnabashiabede@nsuk.edu.ng |
13 | Jatau Stephen | Assistant Lecturer | ------- |
14 | Suleiman Salamatu Kwoku | Assistant Lecturer | ------- |
15 | Maimuna Abdullahi Dantsoho | Graduate Assistant | maimunaabdullahidantsoho@nsuk.edu.ng |
16 | Muhammad Nasir Umar | Graduate Assistant | muhammednasirumar@nsuk.edu.ng |
17 | Sulaiman M. Mainoma | Graduate Assistant | mainoma@nsuk.edu.ng |
List of Research/Publications
S/No | Title | Contributors |
1 | ------------ | ------------ |
2 | ------------ | ----------- |
3 | -------------- | ------------ |
4 | ||
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 | ||
8 | ||
9 | ||
10 |
Upcoming Workshop/Conferences