Ag. H O D
The Department is a unique research driven place which is carefully tailored to suit the development of full potentials artistically and culturally, as well as, the development target of Nigeria and Nasarawa State in particular. From the foundation, the Department has initiated series of training courses in performance studies, cinematography, events management and design and technical theatre to fill the gap in the availability of such professionals in the Nigerian Theatre and Home Video industry. It has commenced post-graduate programme (PGD, M.A., Mphil, Mphil-PhD, PhD) in Theatre Arts; Dramatic Literature, and Theatre for Development, Choreography and Dance Studies,
- Ph.D. Cultural Policy And Management
- M.Phil./Ph.D. Theatre And Cultural Studies
- M.A. Cultural Policy And Management
- M.A. Film And Media Arts
- M.A. Theatre And Cultural Studies
- B.A Theatre and Cultural Studies
Music, Technical Theatre, Theatre and Drama in Education. Cultural Policy and Management; Cultural Administration and Management and Cultural Policy. The Department provides academic resource assistance to the National Institute for Cultural Organization (NICO) Abuja, an affiliate of the University, in teaching, research, advice and academic PGD awards. It has also spearheaded seven major researches so far on various aspects of the material and non–material cultures of Nasarawa people. In the area of performance, students of the Department have continued to provide the campus and its environs professional entertainment in dance, drama and music, and community theatre for development (TFD). The Department has her history written and known as she continues to come atop in all theatrical presentations and other academic performances ranging from Calabar Carnival to Theatre for Development, Nigerian Universities Theatre Arts Festival, Open Mic, National Film and Video Censors Board Consumers Forum, participation in annual Zuma Film Festivals in Abuja and Jos among many others. It is noteworthy to state that the Department has to an extent explored Nasarawa State with focus on studying the cultural and natural heritages in the state through festivals like Omele, Nzeh-Mada to mention a few. We also engage in academic exercises and excursions to Eggon hills, Kukan Caves, Farin Ruwa waterfalls and Ara Rocks through our Theatre for Development (TFD) among several. The Department has been providing entertainment in performance to visitors of the University and the communities in and around Nasarwa State environ and beyond.
Theatre for Development has been conducted so far in Panda Development Area, Kokona Local Government Area, Karu Local Government and Nasarawa Local Government Area. The Department which has two buildings – the mini theatre complex and a bigger theatre auditorium has everything needed for proper training purposes for students with creative ideas and vision. To this end, the Department has lecturers available for all courses ranging from Technical Designs, Costume and Makeup, Scriptwriting for Stage, Screen and Radio, Dramatic Criticism, Culture Administration and Diplomacy, Mime and Non-Verbal Communication, Festival and Carnival Organization, Calisthenics, Directing Theories and Practices, Sociology of Theatre, Puppetry and Animation, Acting, Dance, Music, Cinematography/Video Production and Post-Production, Computer and Theatre, Media Arts, Development Commission and other management courses. These and many more are contained in the Department for students to express their talents in the different aspects of the Theatre and the arts.
The Department of Theatre & Cultural Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi was established on 7th January 2009 as the first Department in a Nigerian University to run a full fledge honours Degree programme in Theatre & Cultural Studies. Its establishment by the University coincides with the superlative performance of the Nasarawa contingent to the Annual National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFEST). For five consecutive years (2007-2011) the Nasarawa State contingent has retained the Presidential Gong and title of Best Overall State at NAFEST. This is a feat the new Department has since begun playing a substantial role towards sustaining. Students and staff of the Department were among the Nasarawa State contingent to both NAFEST 2012 and Abuja Carnival 2012. The pioneer Head of Department is Professor Emmanuel S. Dandaura followed by Lantana Ladi Ahmed and the current Ag. Head of Department is Dr. Suru Cyrus Damisa.
The objectives of the theatre and culture studies programme are to expose students to what they should expect in the Job Market. As a result of this, students would be exposed to the principal areas of Theatre and cultural studies like history and Theatre, Dramatic, Literature, Production and Directing, Dance Choreography, Music, Theatre Administration, Technical Designed Construction, Public Relations, Media Arts, and Dramatic Theory and Criticism.
The programme is designed to allow the compulsory courses to cover the aforementioned vital areas of theatre practice. But within this overall strategy, students would still get the opportunity to avail themselves or specialize in the practical areas especially in the penultimate and final year. In the end, students who have gone through the programme would do well equipped to meet challenges of the modern societies as job creators.
The vision and mission of the Department is to encourage and enable individuals to develop their full potentials by providing qualitative and stimulating environment encompassing a wide range of relevant educational activities for efficient dedication and selfless service to the state, the nation and world at large. This commitment is predicated on its philosophical belief in constructive thinking, positive action and freedom of conscience.
The vision and mission of the Department is to encourage and enable individuals to develop their full potentials by providing qualitative and stimulating environment encompassing a wide range of relevant educational activities for efficient dedication and selfless service to the state, the nation and world at large. This commitment is predicated on its philosophical belief in constructive thinking, positive action and freedom of conscience.
Departmental Board
The Departmental Board is made up of all lecturers in the Department except Graduate Assistant with the Head of Department as the Chairman. The Departmental Board organizes and controls the teaching of all courses in the Department and the examination held in those courses.
Name | Portfolio |
Head of Department (HOD) | Chairman |
All Academic Staff (Except Graduate Assistant) | Member |
Entry Requirements
Five O/level credits in English Language, mathematics and any other three Arts subjects
Literature in English and two other Arts or Social Sciences subjects.
English Language
English Language
Staff Profile
S/No | Name | Rank | Institutional E-mail |
1 | Amirikpa Oyigbenu | Professor | amirikpao@nsuk.edu.ng |
2 | Emmanuel S. D. | Professor | dandaurase@nsuk.edu.ng |
3 | Chikada Daniel James | Senior Lecturer | chikadedj@nsuk.edu.ng |
4 | Sunday Ogbu Igbaba | Senior Lecturer | sundayigbabao@nsuk.edu.ng |
5 | Philip Umaru | Senior Lecturer | philipumoru@nsuk.edu.ng |
6 | Agatha Njideka Nwanya | Lecturer I | missagathanjidekanwanya@nsuk.edu.ng |
7 | Bridget Onoche Chiedu | Lecturer II | bridgetonochechiedu@nsuk.edu.ng |
8 | Osumanyi Okugya | Lecturer II | osumanyiokugya@nsuk.edu.ng |
9 | Lubasa Siku Fololo | Assistant Lecturer | lubasasikufololo@nsuk.edu.ng |
10 | Niimat S. Inchi | Assistant Lecturer | |
11 | Ibrahim Jummai Khadijat | Graduate Assistant |
List of Research/Publications
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Upcoming Workshop/Conferences