Ag. H O D
The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (formerly Department of Religious Studies) was among the earliest Departments that came on board when the University was established in 2003. At inception, it was only Christian Studies that commenced academic activities. However, Islamic Studies was later introduced with one lecturer and from that point on, more hands were brought in, thereby increasing the staff strength of the Unit.
The Head of Unit at its inception was Mr. Makpu Ishaya Mallo with D.D. Gonjoh and Benjamin M. Abdullahi. The three (3) staff pioneered the work until 2005 when Dr. T.A. Aluko came in as a Senior Lecturer and was made the Ag. Head of Department.
In 2005/2006, the Unit graduated her first set of students and the class had a total of eight (8) students where two (2)
- B.A Christian Religious Studies
- B.A Religious Studies
- B.A Philosophy
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in Comparative Religion
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in African Traditional Religion
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in Old Testament
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in New Testament
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in Church History
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in Philosophy & Ethics
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in Sociology of Religion
- M.A MPhil/PhD, PhD in Religious Studies
of them were outstanding and came out with 2nd Class Upper Division. From that time on, the Department has witnessed appreciable increase in the intake of students, and the performances of students have been encouraging. It is imperative to point out that a Unit that started with one lecturer in 2003 at present has eleven 12 staff. In 2005, the NUC accreditation Team came on inspection and after the exercise, the Unit secured an Interim Accreditation. By 2007, a Re-Accreditation was conducted, and the Department secured Full Accreditation. All the courses of the Department were Re-Accredited in September, 2015.
It is to be noted that the Department has also produced a First Class candidate, the first of its kind in the Faculty of Arts. The Unit has enjoyed patronage from Universities across the length and breadth of the nation and had succeeded in hosting the National Conference of the National Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS) in 2011.
A number of reputable scholars have been into the Unit for sabbaticals, and they have added value to our programme. Renowned among these are Prof. U.H.D. Danfulani, Prof. R.A. Akanmidu, Prof. C.I. Imo, Prof. J.D. Gwamna, Prof. Gaiya, M. and Prof. S. D. Shishima.
From what we were in 2003, as of today (2020), the Department has 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor, 2 Senior Lecturers, 5 Lecturers I, 1 Lecturer II and 1 Assistant Lecturer. The Department has a history of re-integrating our graduates back into the system. Notable in this respect are two (2) of our products that distinguished themselves academically and they have been integrated into the system and have grown considerably in the rank that they have become Lecturers II. They are Mr. Angbashim J. Theophilus and Mr. Oyiwose Ishaya Owusakio.
- Foster religious harmony in the Nigerian nation;
- Produce capable and intellectual sound students who will be the progenitors to further moral training in the Nigerian society.
- Inculcate into its graduate the required competence and confidence so as to enable them cope with the demands of the contemporary Nigerian society.
- Re-enact the importance of moral and religious education in the nation building
- Inculcate into its graduates values and the life of religious pluralism in the Nigerian nation thereby paving ways for religious tolerance and mutual co-existence.
- Deepen the candidates’ critical and analytical understanding of religious and cultural traditions of the human family with special reference to the African context.
- Encourage an in-depth study of specific areas within the subject with a view to specialized research.
- Produce graduates familiar with the methodological and theoretical developments in the relevant fields of religion and cultural studies who will be able to apply their knowledge to their environment and also make their own contribution to universal scholarship.
- Help students to develop independent thought, critical judgement, innovative thinking and tolerance in the field of religion and culture with a view for greater understanding and harmonious living in society.
Train and develop scholars who will be concerned with the critical study of the African religious and cultural life in all its diversity. Emphasis is placed on those religious traditions which have the greatest importance in the history of Africa – the various indigenous Religious Traditions, Christianity and Islam with their ethical demands. The emerging scholars will develop the ability to understand, analyze and critically interpret the nature of religious reality as well as the mutual interplay of religious features with other elements in the broader social and cultural context.
Departmental Board
The Departmental Board is made up of all lecturers in the Department except Graduate Assistant with the Head of Department as the Chairman. The Departmental Board organizes and controls the teaching of all courses in the Department and the examination held in those courses.
Name | Portfolio |
Head of Department (HOD) | Chairman |
All Academic Staff (Except Graduate Assistant) | Member |
Entry Requirements
Five O/Level credits in English Language, Mathematics, Government and any other two subjects
Any three subjects
English Language
English Language
Staff Profile
S/No | Name | Rank | Institutional E-mail |
1 | Jake Otonko | Professor | otonkojo@nsuk.edu.ng |
2 | Mbachirin Abraham | Associate Professor | mbachirinat@nsuk.edu.ng |
3 | El-Faruk Ali Ahmed | Senior Lecturer | elfarukaa@nsuk.edu.ng |
4 | Utsua Terzungwe Peter | Senior Lecturer | utsuaterzungwepeter@nsuk.edu.ng |
5 | Mathew Michael | Senior Lecturer | mathewmichael@nsuk.edu.ng |
6 | Uzukwu Gesila N | Senior Lecturer | uzukwugesilan@nsuk.edu.ng |
7 | Evaristus Egwuatu | Senior Lecturer | evaristusegwuatu@nsuk.edu.ng |
8 | Fashina Oladipo | Senior Lecturer | fashinaoladipo@nsuk.edu.ng |
9 | Dingbas G. Danjuma | Lecturer I | dingbasgd@nsuk.edu.ng |
10 | Ishaya Owusakyo Oyinose | Lecturer I | oyiwoseio@nsuk.edu.ng |
11 | Samuel S. Tama | Lecturer I | sthama@nsuk.edu.ng |
12 | Egbeji Patrick O | Lecturer II | patrickegbeji@nsuk.edu.ng |
13 | Danasabe Shagari | Assistant Lecturer | --------- |
List of Research/Publications
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Upcoming Workshop/Conferences