Dr. Dangalah Dalah Gershom

The Department of History was among the pioneer Departments of the then Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences now Faculty of Arts when the University started in 2002. The Department commenced classes in 2002. The Department drew much inspiration from the University Act section4 and 5. The objectives for which the University was established and to which the Department commits to promoting are to:


  • B.A History
  • B.A History and Diplomatic Studies
  • M.A History
  • PhD History
  1. Encourage and promote the advancement of learning and hold out to all persons without distinction of race or creed.
  2. Provide courses of instruction and other facilities and make those facilities for the pursuit of learning in all branches available on proper terms top such person(s) as equipped to benefit from them.
  3. Serve as both a teaching and examining body, subject to the provisions of the University Law specifying the functions of the University (S.5).
Departmental Board

The Departmental Board is made up of all lecturers in the Department except Graduate Assistant  with the Head of Department as the Chairman. The Departmental Board organizes and controls the teaching of all courses in the Department and the examination held in those courses.

Name Portfolio
Head of Department (HOD) Chairman
All Academic Staff (Except Graduate Assistant) Member

Entry Requirements

Five O/level credits in History or Government, English, Mathematics and any other two Arts and Social Science subjects.


History and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

English Language

English Language

Staff Profile
S/No Name Rank Institutional E-mail
1 Onoja Adoyi F. Professor onojaaf@nsuk.edu.ng
2 Azgaku Charles B. Professor azgakucb@nsuk.edu.ng
3 Kudu Amango A. Professor kuduamangoa@nsuk.edu.ng
4 Jonathan Mamu Ayuba Professor jonathanma@nsuk.edu.ng
5 Akinwumi Olayemi Professor akinwumiduro@nsuk.edu.ng
6 Maiyaki Muhammed Mejida Associate Professor mejidamm@nsuk.edu.ng
7 Danglah Dala Gershom Senior Lecturer danlahdg@nsuk.edu.ng
8 Akwashiki S. Vincent Lecturer I akwashikisv@nsuk.edu.ng
9 Ismaila Y. Usman Lecturer I ismailayusman@nsuk.edu.ng
10 Bala Musa Babao Assistant Lecturer balamusababao@nsuk.edu.ng
11 Ahmadu Umar Sanda Graduate Assistant ------

List of Research/Publications

S/No Title Contributors
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Upcoming Workshop/Conferences

For any inquiries


+234 801 234 5678