You are specially welcome to the home page of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management. I would like to express my pleasure to belong to this Department, it represents a bridge of sustainable environment. Undoubtedly, forestry is a pivot about which the World-desired Sustainable Environment revolves. Forestry and Wildlife Management is beginning to gain Worldwide acceptance especially in some of our universities probably owing to the current realities of degraded environment caused by Man’s actions and inactions.
- B. Forestry and Wildlife Management
Fortunately, the Management of Nasarawa State University at the inception probably saw the importance embedded in Management of Renewable Natural Resources, therefore decided to include the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management so as to fill the foreseeing vacuum that it’s absence can create especially within the North Central Nigeria.
Consequently, learning about Natural resources has become an urgent requirement to cope with climate change and sustainable environment. In order to achieve the set goals for establishing the Department which was to provide professional personnel in forestry and allied land management with training focus based purely along eight units namely: Silviculture; Forest Ethno-Botany; Mensuration and Remote Sensing; Utilization and Wood Engineering; Forest Economics and Management; Wildlife Resources Management; Eco-tourism Management and Land Use, Law and Institutions.
It is noteworthy that between 2005 and 2020, the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria has produced many Students with B.Sc. The training received in Forestry and allied courses has since been enabling our alumni and alumnae in various organisations to deal with the increasingly environmental problems in our society. Much more importantly, the intellectual accomplishments and mental perspectives of our graduates have been helping them to operate on a more encompassing level outside their areas of specializations.
To provide functional education in the science management and technology of Forestry, Wildlife and Eco-tourism resources in order to contribute to the economic development of Nasarawa State and the nation in general.
To re-orientate the mentality of the students such as after graduating they will become job creators instead of job seekers.
To provide opportunity in problem solving research studies focused on Forestry and Wildlife resources.
To offer to the public the results of research breakthrough and foster the practical application of these results.
To offer consultancy services to individuals, corporate bodies and governments within and outside the State.
Departmental Board
The Departmental Board is made up of all lecturers in the Department except Graduate Assistant with the Head of Department as the Chairman. The Departmental Board organizes and controls the teaching of all courses in the Department and the examination held in those courses.
Name | Portfolio |
Head of Department (HOD) | Chairman |
All Academic Staff (Except Graduate Assistant) | Member |
Entry Requirements
Five O/Level credits in English, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and one of Physics, Economics, Further Mathematics and Statistics
Chemistry, Biology or Agric and Physics or Mathematics
English Language
English Language
Staff Profile
S/No | Name | Rank | Institutional E-mail |
1 | Egbewole Zacheaus Tunde | Professor | tundeegbe@nsuk.edu.ng |
2 | Mmaduabuchi Ijeoma H. | Professor | ------- |
3 | Mathew Banji O. Aruwa | Professor | ------- |
4 | Falade Luke Olawole Aruwa | Lecturer I | flo_ord@nsuk.edu.ng |
5 | Clement Segun Augustine | Lecturer II | ------- |
6 | Soba Tukura Mohammed | Lecturer II | ------- |
7 | Kuje Emmanuel Dauda | Lecturer II | ------- |
8 | Obadiah Caleb | Graduate Assistant | ------- |
9 | Hamisu Ibrahim Ndagi | Graduate Assistant | ------- |
List of Research/Publications
S/No | Title | Contributors |
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Upcoming Workshop/Conferences